Geoserver sld Filter functions
• The concept of filter function is part of the OGC Filter spec. A filter function is an expression with a name and a set of arguments
• GeoServer has hundreds built-in:
For example:
If we want to draw each point in line geometry.
• The concept of filter function is part of the OGC Filter spec. A filter function is an expression with a name and a set of arguments
• GeoServer has hundreds built-in:
For example:
If we want to draw each point in line geometry.
And result is this :<Rule> <PolygonSymbolizer> <Stroke> <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter> <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter> </Stroke> </PolygonSymbolizer> </Rule> <Rule> <PointSymbolizer> <Geometry> <ogc:Function name="vertices"> <ogc:PropertyName>GEOM</ogc:PropertyName> </ogc:Function> </Geometry> <Graphic> <Mark> <WellKnownName>circle</WellKnownName> <Fill> <CssParameter name="fill">#ff0000</CssParameter> </Fill> </Mark> <Size>6</Size> </Graphic> </PointSymbolizer> </Rule>
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